portable refrigerator中文什么意思

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  1. Portable refrigerators for use with hd - 5 propane gas
    使用hd - 5丙烷气体的可移式冷藏箱
  2. " the portable refrigerators are flying out of here , " says kevin bart , of mobilegear . com , where sells to - go dining products
    站mobilegear . com工作,他说: "我们这儿的车载冰箱几乎是一台接一台飞出去的。
  3. According to the thermodynamics theory of vapor compression refrigeration cycle , hfc - r134a is chosen as refrigerant fluid and the thermodynamics calculation of refrigeration system is accomplished , which is based on the table of r134a thermodynamics characteristics and estimate of portable refrigerator ' s calorific burthen
    本文根据蒸汽压缩式制冷循环的热力学原理,从小冷量、小体积的便携式冷藏箱的热负荷计算出发,以所选用制冷剂( r134a )的热力性质表为依据,进行了制冷系统的基本热力计算。


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